Currently 86% of UK schools are rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted.
Reforms of the Ofsted Inspection System have reported only 2 out of 10 schools have been given ‘requires improvement’ and just 1% of schools received ‘inadequate’ over the last 12 months.
Overseas teachers that interview for roles across England usually rely heavily on the school websites and the published Ofsted report and history when they prepare to win a position via an online interview.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. The entity inspects and regulate schools right across the UK. When you are interested in working in a School you can research the Schools Ofsted history by searching on this website (using the schools Post Code) . Reports are published publicly.
The inspections will interview pupils to gain an understanding of what it’s like to attend the school as a student. They usually identify areas of strength and comment on what they believe the school needs to do better. This is helpful for an interviewee as you can pitch your interview to tackle some of these areas, especially if you know you can add value and support the school to develop further in this area.
Inspectors will move through the school and review curriculum planning, assessment practices, leadership, safeguarding processes, provision for SEND, along with the quality of teaching and learning.
When reviewing the most recent Ofsted report for any school or academy it is beneficial to delve further into the history of the school. Many schools have gone through significant leadership and management change as Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) are a large component on the Education System now in England. This model isn’t common in other countries. This link has a clear explanation of MATs and how they operate.
Your dedicated recruitment consultant at Point to Point Education will support you to navigate these terms, websites, processes and systems.
To register your interested in teaching in England, get in touch via our online self-assessment page.
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